Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What's all the fuss about Detoxing?

What's all the fuss about Detoxing?

More and more evidence suggests that the toxins in our environment, foods, water, air, personal care, cleaning and beauty products, plastics, petrochemicals, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides hormones in meats, medicines, pharmaceuticals, dusts, dust mites, allergens, bacteria, viruses, pathogens, electromagnetic pollutions from our cellular phones, computers, TV's, microwaves, power lines etc. can have a very negative effect on our bodies and our health.

The presence of toxins in our body in any amount is not healthy or beneficial and the accumulation of  toxins is harmful and may lead to fatigue, general aches and pains, declining appearance, performance, decreased focus and mental sharpness, premature aging, allergies, and many other chronic diseases. Although it may seem harmless to many people, medical science is discovering that releasing and cleansing these toxins can have a great impact on health.

An ionic detox foot spa or a series of them can help your bodies natural cleansing and detoxification process. Feet soak in electromagnetically charged water and a half hour session may help recalibrate energy levels and detoxify the cells.

With the treatment I do on my client's, your body is completing an electrical circuit where a small current, too low for you to feel, is passed through your body stimulating and creating an energizing and refreshing effect. At the same time, a larger current is directed to the array in water. The array contains two sets of metal plates or rings, one set that acts as the anode and reduction at the cathode. As part of the process, gas is released. Bubbles will form depending on the amount of fats released from the body during the process. The treatment will infuse your body with negative ions to balance, relax, refresh, restore, and de-stress.

Have you ever wondered why you feel so good when hiking in the mountains, being close to a waterfall, or just walking on a beach?

Negative ions may explain! Negative ions are molecules which have more electrons then protons thus giving it a negative charge. These ions are created in nature as air molecules are separated due to sunlight, and moving air and water. Although the peace of being surrounded by nature is a reason enough to go outside, evidence shows that negative ions are released in these environments can aid your body's health and well being.

Pierce J. Howard, PhD, the director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C. stated: "Generally speaking, negative ions increase the through of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.


Reduction of allergies
Help with asthma related issues
Reduce respiratory-related issues
Aid in  regulation of serotonin to the brain
Migraine headache relief
Help individuals sleep better
Improve performance of mental-oriented activities
Improve physical performance
Increase concentration
Improve blood circulation and strengthen cardiovascular system
Help regulate hormone imbalances
Ease joint-related pains and body aches


mental implants
medication for hypertension
pregnant or nursing
Have epilepsy
Have open wounds on feet
Are currently undergoing any form of radiation or chemotherapy
Are a hemophiliac or taking blood thinners
Are a child under 8

Call/text for appointment at my studio, 724-328-2211

Peace in your heart, 
Making Beauty & Wellness Simple  Bethany Montecalvo

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