Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kale Chips With Rawmensan

Good Morning My Loves,

I just made Kale Chips. Lets get kicking. This is crazy easy to do. This is what you will need to be fabulous!
1 Organic Kale
2 Toasted Sesame Spray Oil
3 Himalayan Pink Salt
4 Rawmensan gluten free. Cheese alternative.

Get a pan any size you like, depending on how much kale you want to cook. Take the Kale and tear it apart and lay on pan. Spray toasted sesame oil all over Kale. Then put your pink salt all over. Oven on 275 for 20 minutes. Half way through turn your kale chips over and cook the rest of the 10 minutes. When the 20 minutes are done, put in plate and put your Rawmensan on. Rawmensan Is basically nuts, spices, organic nutritional yeast.

Kale is crazy and I mean CrAzY good for you my friends. You want protein and folic acid for pregnant moms.... This is it. Go green and Go Organic! Enjoy!!

Peace in your heart,
Pittsburgh Makeup Artist
Pittsburgh Organic Spray Tanning
Health Coach
Bethany Montecalvo

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