Monday, February 17, 2014


Good morning my loves,

I wanted to switch these up and talk beauty instead of nutrition today. I want to talk about crows feet, eeekkk!! No women loves them. How is it when men get them it makes them distinguished, but for us its just flat out crows feet. Something isn't right there:(

The skin around the eyes is so very thin and transparent sometimes. As we age its the first sign of free radical damage is around the eyes. Women lay down some serious cash to ward away the wrinkles. The fact is that because the skin is so thin that most cream will not penetrate the skin. 


If you have a serum or oil, it penetrates through the skin period. Our body is like a sponge and it soaks serums and oils all up. There are many different things you can use.  Coconut oil, flax seed oil, grape seed oil, or frankincense oil. 

It truly boggles my mind when women tell me they have this new anti aging skin Care product. Then we go on chatting and they tell me how much they spent and I almost fall off my makeup chair. Seriously. This is the deal folks. Just because you spend more does not mean it's a better product. You can have a thousand wonderful natural and  organic products in them but look at the ingredients. Really look! If they are toxic chemicals, dyes, fragrance, alcohol, cancer causing agents, binders, fillers, non organic puss filled dairy then guess what??? You just cancelled out all the good with all the horrific chemicals. Go to and it will rate all your products from 1-10. 10 being the most harmful and 1 being the best. I'm so proud to say that all my products are a 1. 4 stars for your girl. 

I really try to encourage vegan products and that's why I carry Hylunia Skin Care Prosucts and people just love it. This is the reason. There's no gluten, dairys, dyes, fragrance, synthetic harmful chemicals. You don't have to be vegan to go vegan with your products. It's safer and less chances of allergies and it's a pure product. 

When we are counting sheep at night the process of wrinkles are setting in. Just think about it. Unless you are sleeping on your back the whole time, you usually have your body contorted and your face is all smashed up for 8 hours. Well hopefully 8 hours. By your face being pressed up on the pillow or bed and just aging, you create wrink-a-Dinks. 

Now that we have that all cleared up let's talk about "Frownies" and why I love them. They have been around for decades and decades and they work. The best way to describe them is flesh colored triangle cut out construction paper. At night you should clean your face and apply your natural  skin care and apply your serum or oil around your eyes, let your skin just eat it up for a few minutes. Also, I see so many ladies being so rough with their skin. Be nice girls, your not pounding out dough here. Have a light touch and use your ring finger to lightly
 apply in a tapping motion your product of choice. 

Take your frownies and tear them apart and use a little water on them to make them tacky and gently pull the skin by your eyes.  Using your pointer finger and middle finger apart as if your making a peace sign. Apply the triangle frownie to side of eye and them the other and go get your 8 hours. That's an order! 

Easy as that and you will notice a difference in 2 nights if application. You can buy in Amazon for $12-15. 

I hope you found this informative and flow me in Facebook (Bethany Montecalvo) Twitter (@Goorganicbam) 
And You Tube. 

Remember, everyone is a snowflake and no one can copy how beautiful you are. Hugs and more hugs. 

Peace In your heart,
Pittsburgh makeup artist 
Pittsburgh Organic Spray Tanning 
Pittsburgh health coach 
Vegan Esthetician 
Bethany Montecalvo 

1 comment:

  1. I love it. Your post is very informative. Of course, serums and oils are the best mediums for anti-aging and totally the must-have ingredients when picking what anti-aging cream to use. Other creams, if not oil or serum based would have a hard time penetrating the skin; thus, won’t be easily absorbed.

    Emily Ross @ Ageless Laser Centres
